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Star Coat Painting Co. was founded by Drake Cassidy and Tom North, two painters who started their careers as apprentices in 2012. Working side by side, we have honed our craft and developed a passion for this great business. Over the years, our shared dedication and friendship grew, and in 2019, we turned our dream into reality by starting Star Coat Painting Co. Serving Middle Tennessee has been a great honor, and we’ve had the privilege of meeting wonderful people while building lasting connections in our community.

What makes Star Coat Painting Co. special is our focus on professionalism and customer service. These values were taught to us early in our careers and remain at the heart of everything we do. We believe that treating customers with respect and doing the job right are the keys to our success. At Star Coat Painting Co., we’re not just about painting—we’re about creating spaces that people love while building trust and relationships along the way.

Who Are We?